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What is Shodo?

What is Shodo?

     Shodo, Japanese calligraphy, is a specialized art using a brush and black ink to write Japanese characters, Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana. It defined one of the simplest art form. It has some similarities to western calligraphy, but it is considered more of an art form that combination of skill and creator's energy and spirits.


The Shodo power

     Shodo is one of the powerful, and spiritual art form. Also it is one of the simplest art form. 

     Calligrapher attempt to bring words to life and she/he work reflects her/his vision, mind, thoughts, energy and spirits.The character must be written only once and there is no altering, touching up, or adding to them afterwards. And in those simple processes, there are a lot of deep appreciative degrees in it. Every line, and dots are meaningful, like the beginning to the next direction to the end of the line, and even he empty space testifies about many things.Between elements are important for each line and point, straight lines, curved lines, thickness and thinness, the form, the balance, the size of character, the amount of the ink on the blush or even luck of it. 

You can actually feel each movement of calligrapher’s blush, rhythm, energy, and spirits also even a lack of confidence will show up in the work.

Calligrapher trains to put her/his energy, concentration, thoughts and spirit in each moment to create the simple but also the deep work. That is one of the reasons why calligrapher begins from meditation in the creative process to purify the mind and soul so that she/he can endure word's power with character.

     Also refer to the Japanese belief that mystical powers dwell in character itself and the words affect and influence our environment, body, mind and soul. The powers of the words are called “KOTODAMA”, “KOT” means words and “DAMA” means spirit and soul. That is because words and Kanji character were created to transform people’s thoughts, minds, and imagination and visualize them in common linguistic rules and shapes. So people believe that words have linguistic expressive element within itself and transfer thousands years wisdom.

     Calligrapher educes the words’ original power and freeze people’s thoughts, mind, image, and spirits into a black and white simple art form.

This is why people says calligraphy art work has affirmative power, positive energy, and awareness within.

The work talks to your heart and can enhance your emotional and spiritual health.


---Team Takeda Souun

Shodo, Japanese Calligraphy, History

     Calligraphy is an art form that has been studied for over 1500 years.
The history of Japanese calligraphy can be tracked back to the origins that Buddhist was introduced to Japan in 538 AD, Chinese civilization and the creation of Chinese writing system.
Buddhism came from India had traveled via china and Korea and arrived Japan.When Buddhism came to Japan the scriptures were already written in Chinese which system was created about 4500 years ago and calligraphy had imported as well. That is why Japanese and Chinese calligraphy share a similar appearance however Japan  eventually altered the Chinese system to suit its own preferences such as writing order, different stroke, grammatical elements, Japanese alphabet “Kana” which were created around the eighth century and they are only existed in Japan.


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