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What are Tattoos Kanji

  What are Tattoos?


​Tattooing has been practiced for centuries in many cultures around the world, particularly in Asia. People choose to be tattooed for a variety of reasons, including artistic, cosmetic, religious, and sentimental.  Tattoos also serve to symbolize our affiliation with a particular group, highlight our individuality, and represent who we are as people in an artistic way.  In some cultures tattoos are even believed to have magical properties.

Tattoos for Life Creation:

In fact, these "magical properties" may have a foundation in actual science. Research has shown that tattoos have a very deep connection to our Reticular Activating System (RAS).  Put simply, our RAS is the system in the brain that allows us to sift through all the visual stimuli around us and single out what it is we are looking for. It takes patterns and images that we have stored in our brain and searches the physical world for a match. 

What does RAS have to do with tattoos?  As it turns out, input our brain receives on a consistent basis influences how we feel and react to the world around us.  Consistently positive input makes us feel good; consistently negative input makes us feel bad.  In other words, the more time we spend around a given image, the more influence it has on our mood and personality.  And what could be more consistent than a tattoo, reminding us every day what's most important to us and to our lives.  Simply by having a tattoo we have the potential to decide who we want to be, and how we want to feel. Our life becomes OUR CREATION.  Is it any wonder people think tattoos have magical properties? 

  Why a Kanji Tattoo?

When we think of a tattoo as a way to express our individuality, as well as create our best self, there are few things more perfectly suited to the task than kanji, the characters used in the Japanese writing system.  Kanji have been used for thousands of years and the skill, patience, and spiritual awareness required to write them well has made Japanese calligraphy a truly powerful and unique artform. Each individual kanji holds its own significance and an array of delicate feelings and emotions can often be expressed through just one character.  This simplicity and depth of beauty has attracted people from all over the world and kanji tattoos have become increasingly popular among the young and old alike.

  Why  Takeda Souun's Kanji  Tattoo?


The full beauty and expressiveness of kanji is something that can only be communicated through flawless technique coupled with a deep spiritual connection to the meaning of the Kanji character being drawn.  Takeda Souun is recognized both in Japan and around the world as an Kanji artist of incredible skill and passion.  He believes that calligraphy is one of the most powerful and spiritual art forms in existence and that it is the job of the calligrapher to bring words to life by infusing them with his or her vision, thoughts, energy and spirit. For this reason, he begins his calligraphy process with meditation to purify his mind and soul and open himself completely to the power of the character. He then extracts the words' original power and concentrates people’s thoughts, images, and spirit into a simple black and white artwork.  Through his brush, he offers a glimpse of the universe that exists within his heart, and his energy breathes new life into each work. This is why it is often said that his calligraphy possesses an affirmative power, positive energy, and a keen awareness. Simply put, his work speaks to our heart and enhances our emotional and spiritual life.


© 2013 by  Souun

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